She's All Bach

Sounding Off on Tayshia and Kaitlyn, Carolyn From Traitors, and Away Messages

Episode Summary

Welcome to Sound Off in the Comments Below, a weekly segment where listeners submit topics for Stefanie and Jackie to discuss. This week we're sounding off on... The unexpected death of Michelle Trachtenberg Tayshia's lowkey shade thrown towards Kaitlyn — and Kaitlyn's response Carolina revealing the producers may have had something to do with what happened in the last group date Carolyn being banished on Traitors and Danielle allegedly breaking her NDA Why Facebook is being weird all of a sudden AOL, AIM, away messages, and more... Watch this episode on YouTube: Watch more Sound Off episodes here:

Episode Notes

Welcome to Sound Off in the Comments Below, a weekly segment where listeners submit topics for Stefanie and Jackie to discuss.  This week we're sounding off on...

The unexpected death of Michelle Trachtenberg

Tayshia's possible shade thrown towards Kaitlyn — and Kaitlyn's response

Carolina revealing the Bachelor producers may have had something to do with what happened in the last group date

Carolyn being banished on Traitors and Danielle allegedly breaking her NDA

Why Facebook is being weird all of a sudden

AOL, AIM, away messages, chain letters, beepers, and more... 

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